Oliver Carlton Jemmott
Sunrise December 4, 1941 – Sunset June 26, 2022
Oliver was born in Brooklyn, New York on December 4, 1941. He was the first born of his parents Hilda Butler of Hertford County, North Carolina, and Rupert Carlton Jemmott. He grew up in a multi-cultural multi-generational household and developed leadership skills at an early age to forge exciting and adventurous paths which lead to a successful career.
His tenure with New York Telephone Company enabled him to lead and accomplish lucrative executive initiatives, which he continued that trajectory as he transitioned to NYNEX and Verizon. As an exemplary leader and an avid golfer, he was provided great opportunities to network and enjoy his passion for the game of golf with colleagues and key golf professionals. One of his most exciting experiences was the opportunity to team with the legend Jack Nicklaus. They joined together and won the North Pro-Am Classic.
Oliver understood the value of the game of golf and used his platform to achieve successful business deals while developing great professional networks. Those experiences yielded life-changing impacts that he felt compelled to share. It was his wish to continue to make a difference for minority youth to support organizations like the Bill Dickey Scholarship Association that is focused on “building hope…one stroke at a time.”
We encourage you on behalf of Ollie to join the Bill Dickey Scholarship Association by donating to a great cause. You will open doors for minority youth to achieve brighter futures with the support of your scholarship donations. Click below to donate today.