Definition of African American First-Generation College Student: “An individual who identifies as African American and whose parent/guardian did not obtain a bachelor’s degree in the United States.”
Scholarship Award: An eligible student could receive a scholarship for a minimum of $5, 000 per year. The scholarship award could vary depending on the MARCH Foundation and the BDSA’s partnership agreement.
The MARCH Foundation and BDSA provide minority scholarships and continuing education grant monies that are for a four-year period. A student that demonstrates academic achievement, leadership, financial need, evidence of community service, is eligible to apply for a scholarship. She or he has the flexibility to pursue an undergraduate degree at a college or university of their choice.
The African American First-Generation Eligibility Guidelines 2022-2023
1. Student must be accepted to a college or university within the U.S.
2. Student must be a U.S. citizen.
3. Student must be a full time student, maintain a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale on a term and cumulative basis and
submit an official transcript via U.S. mail no later than 30 days after each semester ends.
4. Student is required to submit an official transcript electronically no later than 30 days after each semester ends.
5. Student is required to inform the BDSA of their academic standing, leadership achievements and progress on a semester basis. This information will be shared with scholarship partners and the board of directors.
6. Student is required to submit a Scholarship Questionnaire annually at the end of Spring Semester and no later than June 19th of each academic year, for the purpose of identifying the school he or she will attend. (For example, some students change schools mid-year; therefore, this is why completing the questionnaire is important.)
7. Preference is given to student(s) attending Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU).
8. Student must demonstrate need, provide details of financial support and or hardship.
9. Student is eligible to receive the scholarship for a period of four consecutive years from August 2022 – June 2026, providing they meet the scholarship guidelines.
Scholarship Application Criteria
I. The primary criteria used to select The African American First-Generation Student include the following requirements:
a) Scholarship Application
b) Personal recommendations (two references)
c) Employment
d) Financial information – FASFA Application and Assessment, Pell Grant, Tuition, Cost and Contributions
e) Leadership and Community Service Activities
II. Scholarship recipients who meet the scholarship guidelines are eligible to receive a scholarship commencing with their freshman year of college.
a) A Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 (on 4.0 scale)
- Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA each semester, and on a cumulative basis that he or she is enrolled in college to avoid potential forfeiture of their scholarship.
III. The Essay Guidelines
a) The essay must be a minimum of 500 words, and it must be typed and doubled-spaced, no exceptions.
b) Add additional pages if required.
c) It is important that your essay maintain concise and clear sentence structure.
d) Spell check all documents before submitting your application.
e) Number all pages of your application.
f) Include the last four-digits of your social security number at the top of each page of the application.
View Essay Questions:
As an African American First-Generation College Student, develop your essay ensuring you address the three essay questions outlined below:
1. Why do you want to attend College?
2. What do you expect to gain from earning a college degree?
3. What are your educational goals for your professional career, and why?
IV. Personal Reference Forms
a. The two personal reference forms should be completed by your high school principal, guidance counselor or other professional (s) who have knowledge and access to the following:
- Academic Record
- Potential for Successful College Level Academic Immersion
- Remove History of Active Participation in Golf (is not applicable)
- Financial Need
b. The completed reference forms must be uploaded with your application using the form below.
V. The African American First-Generation March Foundation & Bill Dickey Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for completed applications is Monday, May 23, 2022 at 5 p.m. Arizona time.
a. All scholarship applications must be submitted and received online only.
b. Official Transcripts are the only documents that are eligible to mail to: Bill Dickey Scholarship Association, P O Box 67297, Phoenix, Arizona 85082
c. The BDSA recommends that you mail your transcript with tracking to ensure it arrives by May 23, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Arizona time.
d. Mail carriers who provide tracking FedEx, UPS, and U S Post Office. If the student’s school does not provide electronic transcripts, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure his or her transcript is mailed to the BDSA address above. The student’s name and telephone number should be listed on the transcript to ensure the BDSA office can follow up with the student, if required.
VI. Incomplete and or Late Scholarship Applications
a. Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
b. Applications received after May 23, 2022, after 5:00 p.m. Arizona time will not be accepted.
c. Incomplete applications will not be accepted; therefore, check your application for all required documents before you submit it online.